Spice Up Your Social Media – ONLINE TRAINING



An online training hosted by Winespicegirl

4 Modules + 1 Bonus Module

Get Life Long Access

Monetary Investment: €99


What if I promise you that after following my online training:

  • You will know exactly WHAT to post on social media
  • You will have the confidence to SHOW UP authentically
  • Your content will finally STAND OUT
  • Your content will be more CREATIVE than ever before
  • Your engagement will be GROWING day by day


You want…

An audience of FANS that are literally waiting for you to post. Sending you DM’s saying you’re an inspiration to them. Complimenting you on your content. Commenting on all your posts.

Your reality is that you’re left wondering…..


It might just be that your content is too… am I really going to say it? Yes! Well-behaved.

It’s 2024. We’ve seen it all. Especially in the wine scene. We’ve seen the wine labels. The wineries. The family portraits of the wine makers. We’ve read your tasting notes.

We’re tired!


There is one thing we’ll never get tired of…

And that is…. YOU.

To stand out on social media you must be unapologetically authentic.

You have to show your true colors.

You can’t play it safe.

In this masterclass I am going to challenge you to quit playing small and to step out of your comfort zone and claim your presence in the online space. I’ll teach you tricks that will give you the confidence to show up fiercely!

This masterclass is for everyone who has been wanting to learn from me in person!

I will take you by the hand and take you on a journey, together we will spice up your social media to finally make the IMPACT that you are looking for.

"India has given me insights into the key aspects of creating brand value on social media. She presents in an entertaining, interactive, and very enlightening manner. Her knowledge, experience, and creativity have greatly helped me to develop a well-founded social media marketing plan. I highly recommend her masterclass; India is a true professional!"

Are you ready to be BOLD and spice up your online presence?

Get acces to all my knowledge and experience. No gate keeping!

Who is this for?

This is for the people who are done with messing around and that are READY to take bold action.

You’re posting regularly but your content doesn’t quite stand out. You seem to follow all the “rules” yet nothing happens.

You post a few times per week or even daily.

You hop on trends.

You post on the right hours.

You share your post in your stories.

You engage in the community right after posting.

Still it feels like nobody notices your content. The comments you get are from people you know personally that want to support you and your brand.

Your posts don’t get any saves.

You’ve watched all the tutorials. You might have bought some online courses. Maybe you even hired a professional to post content for your brand. It feels more like pulling than like attracting. 

I’ll teach you the things I did to create an audience of FANS that are literally waiting for me to post. Sending me DM’s saying I’m an inspiration to them. Complimenting me on my content. Commenting on all my pictures.

“India hits the core of effective online (wine) marketing with her masterclass ‘Spice up your social media’. The masterclass I attended was both informative and interactive.
All aspects of social media marketing were covered: from understanding your target audience to posting a reel and translating your message into an Instagram post. I found it valuable that she shared a lot about her own process in creating Winespicegirl, and it was great that there was plenty of time and space for questions.
It was very useful that she, along with me and the other participants, was able to quickly articulate the core values and mission of our businesses. With the workbook we received, we could immediately put the theory into practice and work on assignments.
In short, it was an inspiring and very enjoyable session that I would recommend to any wine professional with online ambitions.”



In 2020 I wanted to start a wine blog. I had this incredible passion for wine and traveling and I desperately wanted to turn this passion into a profession.

I racked my brain over how my page would stand out between all the wine pages there were online.

The answer came and at first I didn’t like it.

I knew that to stand out I would have to do something incredibly scary.

I would have to be BOLD.

I would have to lay it all on the line.

To stand out in the online space means to show what you stand for with an unapologetic attitude.

Try to please everyone and you’re out. Blend in and nobody will remember you.

I had to peptalk myself into starting Winespicegirl. I literally had to drag myself by my hair to show up the way I do today.

I trembled with fear on the first day I posted.

I wanted to disappear the first times I shared my SPICY content.

But I still showed up.

And the people noticed.

Within months I created a community of real fans.

Within months I started traveling the world living my dream.

To live an extraordinary life you have to say F*ck it to your fears.

You have to DARE to take up space.

In this masterclass I’ll tell you exactly what I did to get the results I got in the last 4 years.

No gate keeping.

I’ll challenge you and I’ll be the cheerleader for you that I had to be for myself.

I hope you’ll gift yourself the opportunity to bring your social media to the next level.

Module 1 – Who am I and what is my message?

We focus on finding your authenticity.

Who are you and what do you stand for.

We define your MISSION.

We list your brand values.

Module 2 – Get out of your own way

Mindset – Who do you need to become to show up fully and create a lasting impact

Module 3 – Think out of the box 

We focus on creating a social media strategy for you or your brand.

We define your audience.

We get clear on your goals.

We dive deep into the concept of CREATIVITY.

Module 4 – Turn followers into FANS

We talk about engagement.

We find out how we turn our followers into raging FANS.

Module 5 Bonus Module



Is this only for people in the wine industry?

No! This online training is for anyone who wants to learn how to stand out on social media. A lot of the examples I will use come from the wine industry since that is the industry I am in myself, but the principles I share apply on any field.

Is it an interactive course?

It will be interactive. You will receive lots of exercises and questions for you to work on during the modules.

How long can I acces the training?

After buying you will get life long access so you can follow the modules in your own time, although I recommend working through them in a steady pace to get the most out of it.

